Club Cloud 2021 – Friday – 5 Nov

Friday the 5th of November 2021

View the entire livestream of the Club Cloud Conference fifth and final day here, or watch the individual sessions:

Go to the individual sessions

09:00 – 10:45 – Best practices for optimizing cost and performance of your Microsoft workloads on AWS
10:45 – 11:15 – Exploring FinOps KPI’s to measure the true value of the cloud
09:15 – 10:00 – Driving impact at scale
10:00 – 10:30 – The road to a billion forecast per day at Albert Heijn
10:30 – 11:15 – dbt Vision and Developments
11:15 – 11:45 – Networks! Project real time analytics that controls 50% of mobile network in Poland
10:00 – 10:30 – Keeping up with your cloud knowledge
11:15 – 12:30 – BOL com moving 100+ teams and it’s 1K+ applications to cloud 3 unforseen challenged
12:00 – 13:00 – Speed up web and mobile development with AWS amplify
13:00 – 13:30 – Scaling your business into China
13:30 – 14:00 – How Alibaba cloud helps customers to scale their business in China and beyond
12:45 – 13:30 – Data democratization Discover and realize the value of your data assets
14:00 – 15:00 – DBT + SODASQL How to manage your data at scale
15:00 – 15:30 – Dashboarding nightmares: What most organizations forget to scope
14:14 – 14:45 – Terrible terraform and how to avoid it
14:45 – 15:15 – Q&A:AWS cloud development kit workshop follow up
15:45 – 16:15 – Developments at Picnic


09:00 – 10:45 – Best practices for optimizing cost and performance of your Microsoft workloads on AWS


10:45 – 11:15 – Exploring FinOps KPI’s to measure the true value of the cloud


09:15 – 10:00 – Driving impact at scale


10:00 – 10:30 – The road to a billion forecast per day at Albert Heijn


10:30 – 11:15 – dbt Vision and Developments


11:15 – 11:45 – Networks! Project real time analytics that controls 50% of mobile network in Poland


10:00 – 10:30 – Keeping up with your cloud knowledge


11:15 – 12:30 – BOL com moving 100+ teams and it’s 1K+ applications to cloud 3 unforseen challenged


12:00 – 13:00 – Speed up web and mobile development with AWS amplify


13:00 – 13:30 – Scaling your business into China


13:30 – 14:00 – How Alibaba cloud helps customers to scale their business in China and beyond


12:45 – 13:30 – Data democratization Discover and realize the value of your data assets


14:00 – 15:00 – DBT + SODASQL How to manage your data at scale


15:00 – 15:30 – Dashboarding nightmares: What most organizations forget to scope


14:14 – 14:45 – Terrible terraform and how to avoid it


14:45 – 15:15 – Q&A:AWS cloud development kit workshop follow up


15:45 – 16:15 – Developments at Picnic


09:00 - 11:15

Cloud Financial Management

9:00 am

Best practices for optimizing cost and performance of your Microsoft Workloads on AWS

Why is it important to optimize costs? TCO has two main components: infrastructure cost and software licenses cost. The usual optimization scenario is when a customer wants to find compute, storage and licensing configuration that reaches the desired performance level at minimum cost. When you run SQL Server workloads, licensing makes up the majority of the TCO, so this is where you want to optimize. In this session we are going to cover basics of Microsoft licensing on AWS and best practices for compute and licensing optimization of SQL Server workloads on AWS. And finally we will discuss how AWS Optimization and Licensing Assessment (AWS OLA) can help you to see potential cost savings when migrating your Windows Workloads to AWS.


Steyn Huizinga CTO at Oblivion


Alexander Dragunov Senior Partner Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Michel Zitman FinOps Practice Lead at Oblivion
10:45 am


Michel Zitman (Cloud Financial Management Practice Lead at Oblivion) shares his best practices on how to build efficient FinOps KPIs and demonstrates the importance they have on your FinOps Governance. Cloud cost management appears to be a challenging subject in the majority of organizations. From our experience we have concluded that 35% of cloud spend is actually wasted as a result of over-provisioned resources alone. And given the fact that, on a global scale, we are only at the beginning of cloud adoption, it’s time for action.


Steyn Huizinga CTO at Oblivion


Michel Zitman FinOps Practice Lead at Oblivion
Sidney Epner Customer Success Architect at CloudHealth By VMware
Technologies: AWS
09:15 - 11:45

Data & AI at Scale – 5 Nov

9:15 am

Driving Impact at Scale

All one needs is strategy, skill and resources to make digitalization and AI happen. Innovation, added value, competitive advantage and a short Time-to-Market is just around the corner. So why is everything taking so long? Shouldn’t you all be finished yesterday already? Mastering innovation requires having many balls in the air at once. In this talk I’ll present a transformation use case of an established player including our best practices and anti-patterns.


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Alexander Hendorf Partner, Data & AI at Königsweg GmbH
10:00 am

The road to a billion forecasts per day at Albert Heijn

Every day, millions of Dutch and Belgian households do there groceries at Albert Heijn. Fulfilling these customer needs and, at the same time, minimizing the waste is one of the operational optimization problems Albert Heijn faces every day. In this session details will be shared on how data scientist use cloud and data science to tackle this large scale problem in order to stay the number one supermarket in NL/BE.


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Guus Verstegen Data Scientist at Albert Heijn
Janine van Wonderen Data Scientist at Albert Heijn
10:30 am

dbt Vision and Developments

After five years of changing the way analytics teams work, dbt Core is reaching its v1.0 milestone. Jeremy will discuss the big priorities leading up to v1. Also: what still feels missing in dbt-anchored data stacks in 2021; and a sneak preview of what the team will be working on in 2022.


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Jeremy Cohen Product Manager dbt Labs
11:15 am

Networks! project - real-time analytics that controls 50% of mobile network in Poland

The ability to analyze data in real time for mobile network is crucial for diagnostics and ensuring the quality of the service for end customers. To achieve this we have built a real-time ingestion and analytics platform that processes 2.2 billions messages a day from mobile networks hardware. During the talk we will show how we used Flink and Flink SQL to build this platform. The solution includes calculation of more than 5000 KPIs and 1500 aggregation defined in SQL, on 750 Kafka topics. We will describe how we manage Flink jobs at scale using Ververica and Kubernetes, how we monitor the platform using Clickhouse and what problems we need to overcome in the project.


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Maciej Brynski Big Data Architect at GetInData
Rafal Malanij Business Executive at GetInData

Technologies: dbt
Topics: Data & AI
10:00 - 10:30

Keeping up with your cloud knowledge

Sohan Maheshwar (Developer Advocate at AWS) and Steyn Huizinga (CTO at Oblivion) explore the current state of cloud learnings and share their experiences on how you can continue to learn and grow in this domain.
10:00 am

Keeping up with your cloud knowledge


Steyn Huizinga CTO at Oblivion


Sohan Maheshwar Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Technologies: AWS
Topics: Strategy
11:15 - 14:00

Cloud-Native Software Development – 5 Nov

11:15 am Moving 100+ teams and its 1K+ applications to cloud: 3 unforeseen challenges is moving its 1000+ applications from its own data centers to the cloud. However, this is not "just moving" applications. There are a lot of challenges and opportunities behind such a change (especially when you are a 100+ innovation teams organization that works in a fast-paced market). In this talk, we will zoom into three of our top challenges and our strategies to approach them. We will also share some insights on the opportunities that we see and ideas on how to maximize their potential.


Patrick Akil Host at the Beyond Coding podcast


Mirko van Ede Director of Engineering at
Rogier Lommers Software Architect at
12:00 pm

Speed up web and mobile development with AWS Amplify

AWS can be a daunting idea for even the most experienced developers, however, with the whole world moving towards cloud, it has become a necessity for almost every project. The need for an approachable solution to building applications on the cloud is what AWS Amplify has set out to solve. AWS Amplify is a collections of tools and services that are built to simplify and speed up the development process on the cloud. We discuss the “What”, “Why” and “How” of AWS Amplify, looking from a broad overview into what it is, a story of how AWS Amplify was used to build a production grade application at one of Xebia’s clients and a technical overview from a Senior Developer Advocate at AWS on the true power of AWS Amplify.


Patrick Akil Host at the Beyond Coding podcast


Sohan Maheshwar Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Dillon Parfitt Software Consultant at Xebia
Ruben Oostinga Full Stack Engineer
1:00 pm

Scaling your business into China

Name the first three cloud providers you can think of! Chances are you came up with one or more cloud providers from the US (AWS, Google, Azure to name a few). And can you name four Chinese cloud providers? If you can, you are already well ahead of the competition, as most companies don’t often look to China for anything cloud-related. And even though Chinese cloud providers are still considered niche players in many areas, if you are looking to scale your business in China, working with a local provider can really make a difference. Before you get to releasing software though, there are many other things to consider and tackle. In this session, Léon will introduce you to the Chinese cloud, answer all your questions about the challenges you face when scaling into China and propose a simple battle plan to face these challenges head on.


Patrick Akil Host at the Beyond Coding podcast


Léon Rodenburg Software Consultant at Xebia
1:30 pm

How Alibaba Cloud helps customers to scale their business in China and beyond

Asia is the new global, digital power house. We will discuss how you can connect seamlessly to your locations and end customers in China, Asia and beyond with a cloud service provider who's the underlying technology platform for the world's largest shopping festivals, e-commerce platforms and payment services. Alibaba Cloud provides a broad and battle-proven portfolio that lets you create digital experiences seamlessly for your customers world-wide, no matter where they are. Ranging from global networking solutions to accelerate your digital experiences, web hosting for the Chinese market to CDN networks for global content delivery and real-time video-streaming and AI-based translations, and even connecting your ERP systems to Alibaba Group’s B2B wholesale platforms: Alibaba Cloud makes it easy to connect and engage with your clients anywhere, anytime, any way. In this round table session we will discuss how this is working and how we support global brands to scale into China.


Patrick Akil Host at the Beyond Coding podcast


Léon Rodenburg Software Consultant at Xebia
Oliver Arafat Head of Cloud Solution Architects DACH and CEE at Alibaba Cloud
Technologies: AWS
Topics: Software Engineering
12:45 - 15:30

Data Democratization

Data Democratization increases the usage of data assets, uncovers new opportunities with data, and improves existing data operations. All this expedites decision making and facilitates the creation of business value. Join these sessions to learn about Data Democratization, the Modern Data Stack, self-service analytics, and the new professional role in the data field: the Analytics Engineer.
12:45 pm

Data Democratization: discover and realize the value of your data assets

Data democratization is the process of improving data availability through modern cloud-based technologies and enabling users to retrieve information from that data through self-service analytics. In this session together with Interfood and Funda, we will cover the benefits, risks, and main enablers of Data Democratization.


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Bram Ochsendorf Lead data scientist
Kevin Duisters Commercial Analytics Lead at Interfood
Eduardo Neves Chief Technology Officer
1:30 pm

Analytics Engineering: prerequisite for Data Democratization

Recent developments in technology, the rise of the modern data stack, and the prevalence of self-service analytics have disrupted the field of data and analytics. Our of these game-changing events, a new professional role has emerged in the data field: the Analytics Engineer. This session will introduce you to the role and responsibilities of the Analytics Engineer.


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Bram Ochsendorf Lead data scientist
Pádraic Slattery Analytics Engineer
2:00 pm

DBT + SodaSQL: how to manage your data at scale

The bigger your warehouse gets, the more difficult is to manage the dependencies between your datasets and get a hold of the health of your data. In this hands-on session, we will showcase the value of tools such as dbt and SodaSQL to manage your data warehouse at scale with a real-life demo of both tools combined. Data lineage and data quality assurance are more than achievable goals with this combination!


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Guillermo Sánchez Dionis Analytics Engineer
Jovan Gligorevic Analytics Engineer
3:00 pm

Dashboarding Nightmares: What most organizations forget to scope

Paired with some realistic examples, we will speak about several topics most people forget to scope when an organization creates a dashboard. Some topics can be as important as data security and hidden costs. Or as trivial as confusing interactions and mobile responsiveness.


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Juan Manuel Perafan Analytics Engineer at GoDataDriven
Technologies: dbt, SODA
Topics: Data & AI
14:15 - 14:45

“Terrible Terraform and how to avoid it”

Let's travel through terrible terraform use-cases together. We will laugh, we will cry. And we will see how we can avoid it.
2:15 pm

“Terrible Terraform and how to avoid it”


Werner Buck Consultant IT Architecture, DevOps, Software Engineering
Topics: Infrastructure as CodeDevops
14:45 - 15:15

Q&A: AWS Cloud Development Kit Workshop Follow up

In this session Sidney gives the opportunity to answer questions that have arisen from his Cloud Development Kit on Monday:
2:45 pm

Q&A: AWS Cloud Development Kit Workshop Follow up


Sidney Borrego y Diaz Cloud Consultant at Oblivion


Yvo van Zee Cloud Consultant at Oblivion
Technologies: AWS
Topics: Infrastructure as Code
15:45 - 16:15

Picnic – Robotized warehouse, fraud detection and other new developments at Picnic

In this session, Daniel Gebler, CTO at Picnic, will discuss a few recent developments in the cloud and data space at this fast-growing online grocery store. One of the topics will be the new automated fulfillment center that Picnic recently started using. This robotized warehouse of 25,000 m2 is built around infrastructure-as-code principles and uses the best of edge computing, on-prem hardware, and warehouse control systems. Furthermore, we will discuss new machine learning services that Picnic uses for fraud detection and order forecasting.
3:45 pm

Developments at Picnic

Robotized warehouse, new ML applications and more developments from Picnic


Renald Buter Chief Operations at GoDataDriven


Daniel Gebler CTO at Picnic
Topics: Software EngineeringInfrastructure as CodeData & AI