Nov 01

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Nov 01


Data Platforms – 1 Nov

Edze Knol, Renald Buter, Diederik Greveling, Luuk Figdor, Santiago Ruiz, Marcel Raas, Charlie Evans, René van Osnabrugge
In this video stream, we will dive deep into the modern data platform. After an overview of the components of the modern data stack, several seasoned experts, including Luuk Figdor (AWS), Santiago Ruiz (Royal Schiphol Group), eBay, Kevin Duisters (Interfood) and more, will share their experiences with the implementation of modern data platform and data applications that are built using the latest standards.
Technologies: Google Cloud AWS
Topics: Data & AI Devops

Growing your DevOps Mindset

René van Osnabrugge
In this session, I will talk about what a DevOps MindSet is. How to recognize fears and counter-productive behavior and give you some tips and insights on how to start growing a DevOps Mindset for yourself and your colleagues.
Topics: Devops

Engineering Culture – 1 Nov

Steven Nooijen, Camilla Björkqvist
People and organization are essential factors for the implementation of successful data science products. Join this stream to learn how to develop a DevOps mindset and how to implement an agile approach to building data pipelines. Finally, learn how Danone established an enterprise-wide data literacy program.
Topics: Data & AI Devops

Workshop: Accelerate your cloud adoption with the AWS Cloud Development Kit

Sidney Borrego y Diaz
In this hands-on workshop, Sidney will guide you through setting up an enterprise CDK construct repository. Using this repository he will demonstrate how to enable teams to speed up their CDK adoption while adhering to company security and compliance standards.
Technologies: AWS
Topics: Infrastructure as Code

Compelling reasons to adopt the public cloud

Jeroen van der Leer
Jeroen van der Leer discusses five main reasons modern organizations choose to adopt the public cloud - and why you should too.
Technologies: AWS
Topics: Strategy

Managed Services done right

Marc Bruins, Casper Dijkstra, Max Verhorst
When software is developed in a DevOps way and runs in the cloud, why do we still manage it traditionally? Register for this talk show and hear all about Managed Services done right.
Technologies: Microsoft
Topics: Strategy Devops

Nov 02

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Nov 03

No sessions scheduled.

Nov 04

No sessions scheduled.

Nov 05

No sessions scheduled.